The Old Man And The Z
A 20 something Washington D.C. staffer, and his 50 something musician father have conversations about history, politics, religion and current events. It's a show that's difficult to classify, but you will probably learn something from the Z, and most likely laugh a little with the Old Man. New shows drop on the 1st and 15th each month.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent.
51 episodes
Wisdom from the past - Antigone by Sophocles
In this episode the Z tells the Old Man about Antigone by Sophocles. The Z also busts out his acting chops as he recreates a tense moment from this Greek tragedy. The suspense is building, how does it all end, who li...
Season 1
Episode 52

The Cruise Episode
The Old Man talks about his first time sailing the sea on a cruise. Along the way the conversation turns to P Diddy, the haunted White House and Supreme Court, some political talk, Nirvana, and of course Costco.It's time to set sail on a...
Season 1
Episode 51

In this episode we talk about Ronald Reagan our 40th president. We talk about the new movie about him, and why the Z has a personal connection to that movie.We also talk about the Chicago Bears, an upcoming crui...
Season 1
Episode 50

Europe. Similarities, differences, good things, not so good things. We talk - Guinness, whisky, churches, low emission cars, key cards for electricity, where is all the grass, funny cows and more.Plus find out why I almost didn't get to ...
Season 1
Episode 49

The Assassination Episode
We talk about the tragic events that took place on Saturday, 7/13Lot's to discuss, The media reactions, the iconic photo, Trumps reaction in the moment, and some of the shameful comments.We also give some VP predictions. And we ha...
Season 1
Episode 48

Independence Day Special
Happy Independence Day. Let's learn about why we get a day off to cook good food and watch things explode in the night on July 4th. We'll hear some of the Z's favorite songs, I'll bet they are not your favorites. :)So grab a sparkler and...
Episode 47

Fathers Day
In this episode we discuss Fathers, good ones, bad ones, masculine ones, etc.. Who has fathered the most children in history? Why the phrase "wait till your father gets home" is different than "wait till your mother gets home" And it should no...
Episode 46

Prohibition And Presidents Drinking Habits.
Prohibition And Presidents Drinking HabitsBooze, alcohol, liquid courage. Let's get lit as we discuss how the founders drank, prohibition, dry states, and why alcohol is directly related to why we all pay federal taxes. The Old Man walks...
Episode 45

11 Ways To Destroy America
In this episode we discuss an article about 11 ways to destroy America. The Z breaks down the 11 ways, and then try's to explain why they want to destroy it.The Old Man talks about a strange way to kill spiders. and he struggles wit...
Episode 44

Lobotomies and Zoos
Lobotomies, and Pygmies, and Zoos, Oh My! You're not off to see the wizard, you're off to hear the Old Man and the Z, as we talk about how strange humans can be. Also along the way we talk about a fam...
Season 1
Episode 42

Life and Discrimination
People are bias, It just seems to be part of life. Which leads us into why the Old Man get's laughed at and humiliated at the cleaners, and other places. We talk about why apparently you can’t say a certain word that starts with the letter M. W...
Episode 41

Easter Special
We talk about the historical Jesus. What is some of the evidence for who he claimed to be, his death and his resurrection. Some of the crazy conspiracy theories. The political backstories of Pilate, and the incredible corruption of the Te...
Episode 40

Machiavelli, the Z often mentions him, I know nothing about him. Apparently the Pope banned his most famous book, The Prince, and called it "the work of Satan's finger" Let's find out what all the fuss is about on this episode of T...
Season 1
Episode 38

Warfare and Military Might
In this episode we talk about warfare and military might. In the first half the Z talks about tanks and traditional warfare, Air, Land and Sea. Then he talks about 3 new areas of warfare-Intelligence, Biological and Cyberwarfare....
Episode 38

Presidents Day Special - This President - The Man, The Myth, The Legend.
Presidents Day Special - In this episode we talk about a certain president who reminds the Z of John Wayne, Who is he, listen and find out.
Season 37

The Diversity Word Of The Month-Privilege
The diversity word of the month-PrivilegeOur bag is bursting in this episode as we talk about many things including-The Z’s new mic, the great MLK, and why the left seems to dismiss his most famous quote, Johns Hopkins definition ...
Episode 36

Lincoln, Slavery, the Civil War, Nikki Haley and Drum Fills.
On this episode we talk about a dumb comment Nikki Haley said about the Civil War, VP possibilities, Abraham Lincoln, and slavery. The Old Man pulls out his drum sticks when someone asks if he can play the drum fill from the shows intro, he can...
Episode 35

Decison 2024
Besides the small talk about Jelly Roll, Al Pacino movies, and why it's important to "never let them see you sweat" we discuss 13 issues that should help you decide which way you are leaning in this election cycle.Could it be...
Season 1
Episode 34

The Christmas Episode
The Christmas Episode. In this episode we talk about all things Christmas. Santa talks to the Z about getting a new microphone. (Yes he still has problems with his) We discus "what Christmas is all about" We also discus...
Season 1
Episode 33

Napoleon, the man, the myth, the legend, the movie. In this episode we talk historical Napoleon and the new movie. Was he really short, what's with all the hand in his shirt pictures.The Old Man talks about anot...
Season 1
Episode 32

Thanksgiving Special
We talk about the story of the first Thanksgiving including the Mayflower, the Dutch, Squanto, Magellan, Smallpox, Star Wars, Stags, and Ted Nugent. The Old Man talks about his international Thanksgiving while living in Hollyw...
Season 1
Episode 31

Israeli/Palestinian Conflict-A History Lesson
Israeli/Palestinian Conflict-A History Lesson. From the Very Beginning Until Now.
Season 1
Episode 30

The Halloween Episode
We start out this episode by offering up our prayers for the people of Israel, as we recorded this episode just a couple of days after the attacks from a week ago. We hope this could perhaps be a little diversion from all the very serious event...
Season 1
Episode 29